It is easy to feel overwhelmed by schedules and the seemingly never-ending pressures of society to perform well and succeed without delay. To-do lists and expectations can often lead to neglecting the needs of the body mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or physically. With the growth of social media and the ability to conveniently communicate with the world, being busy has become something to flaunt and not fix. Along with this, self-care has been blurred and lost within what is trending and the idea that there’s not enough hours in the day. When constantly being informed about how the rest of the world is succeeding and spending their time, it’s easy to forget that rest is equally as important as work.

Intentional time spent taking care of the body, in all ways, can help increase productivity. According to The Art of Living, the average person spends 46.9% of their time thinking about something other than what they are trying to focus on. It is difficult to remain calm and collected with an overwhelmed mind. Like the body, your mind needs rest, and you shouldn’t feel guilty for taking the needed time to realign yourself and your body so that you can reach your fullest potential.

Meditation is the pursuit of a calm and relaxed state of being which can be done through guided meditation, mantra meditation, mindfulness meditation, Qi gong, Tai chi, transcendental meditation, or yoga. It has been connected to positive results such as improved sleep, decrease in stress, increase in self-awareness, pain relief, and relaxation.

The goal of meditation can vary based on the individual, but a common theme is working to reach peace of mind in connection to the body and spirit. Meditation is not confined to one style, it can be done while standing, sitting, walking, or lying down and doesn’t have a time requirement, which makes it easy to implement into any schedule.

You don’t only deserve a break; you need a break! The Wellbeing Thesis found that taking daily breaks, whether meditative or other focused, can help individuals recover from stress. This improves productivity and allows the body’s systems to recharge so they can reach their maximum function. Some important and common elements of meditation include focus, relaxed breathing, quietness, comfort, and an open mind.


  1. Find a quiet and peaceful place.
  2. Cleanse your space using a JuJu Royal Smudge Kit.
  3. Position yourself in the comfortable manner that you prefer.
  4. Set a timer if needed.
  5. Begin to become aware of your body.
  6. Pay attention to your breathe and how it connects to your body and mind.
  7. Gracefully allow your mind to wander if it does, but also try to practice slowing and calming thoughts.
  8. End with kindness.

This is a simple start to meditation you can try, but you can add other practices unique to you and your needs or try some of the ways mentioned above!

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