Sage (noun): a European perennial mint (Salvia officinalis) with grayish-green aromatic leaves, which is often used for smudging

Smudging is an ancient tradition that has been practiced by cultures around the world for centuries and involves the burning of sage. This is a practice often used to “clear” or “cleanse” someone or something of the outside world before entering a sacred space or a ceremonial ritual.

The smoke from smudging is intended to remove undesired influences and drive negative energy away so that the subject being smudged can be blessed. Smudging is used for reasons such as promoting spiritual purification, house blessings and spiritual cleansing. Intention and clarity are two important elements to account for when smudging.

JuJu Royal Sage Smudge Sticks are available in Blue Sage, White Sage and Yerba Santa Sage. Each smudge stick has special purposes. Blue Sage is commonly used for calmness, cleansing negativity, openness, and purifying. White Sage is typically used for cleansing, prosperity, protection and wisdom. Yerba Santa Sage is often used for empowerment, love, protection and purification.

Smudging 101

What you will need:

  • Smudge Stick
  • Seashell or bowl of ceramic, glass or clay to hold burning sage or capture ash (optional)
  • Matches
  • Feather or Fan for fanning smoke (optional)

Smudging step-by-step:

  • Make sure the room where you are smudging is well ventilated
  • Open all the doors and windows (this is essential to drive out the negative energies by providing an exit route)
  • Carefully light one end of the herb stick and allow it to burn for a few seconds
  • Quickly blow out flame for a smoldering smoke
  • Place the herb stick onto a fire safe surface like a clay bowl, shell, or a crystal agate dish


  • Remove animals or people from room (besides the one smudging)
  • Leave a window open before, during, and after smudging
  • Afterwards, make sure stick is completely extinguished and no longer burning (dipping it in ash or sands can help with this)

Use with extreme caution. Do not use it if you suffer from Asthma or have respiratory issues. Do not use near infants or young children or anyone who is or may be pregnant. Do not leave burning or smoldering herb stick unattended. Keep out of reach of children.

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