Peace of mind is a term that refers to a mental state of calmness and tranquility, it is often paralleled with the prevention of worry and anxiety. Thoughts are directly connected to one’s peace of mind. According to the National Science Foundation, the average human has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. . .that’s a lot of thinking! Out of all these thoughts, it is assumed about 90% of them are negative and 95% are repetitive.

Some factors that affect peace of mind include, conflict, uncertainty, responsibilities, work, health problems, and family and friend concerns. This list is not exhaustive and includes causes that can be controlled, but it also has causes that cannot always be controlled, which creates the question: How can one achieve peace of mind in the midst of a life that cannot be completely controlled?

Peace of mind is connected to the entire body in a physiological and psychological way. According to Harvard Health Publications of Harvard Medical School, the brain is like the command center of the body and, “communicates with the rest of the body through the nervous system.” The human nervous system receives and transmits information through the body and is one of the most complex body systems. Focusing on peace of mind, therefore, is something that will help the entire body internally and externally.

Achieving peace of mind will be different for everyone because different factors prevent peace for different individuals. Mindfulness is a simple place to start. One cannot achieve peace of mind without knowing, through self-awareness and self-reflection, what is preventing it. Once one does this, it is easier to understand what they can and cannot control.

Some JuJu Royal inspired ways to pursue mindfulness:

  • Give your mind a break and relax by listening to Julian Marley’s As I Am Album
  • Take time to journal and reflect
  • Add mindfully positive words and thoughts into your daily life
  • Meditate
  • Get your body moving! Exercise releases endorphins, which can trigger positive feelings in the body
  • Set up a peaceful space in your home or office with JuJu Royal Essentials

​Make way for the positive day.
– Bob Marley

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